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Couple on Wedding Day
Couple Close Up
Smiling Senior Couple
Happy Couple
Sunglasses Couple
Wedding Party
Starry Kiss
First Dance
The Happy Couple
Young Couple in Snow

Herbert Gendermag


Chances are as it is with too many others, you’re chasing your relationship fantasy but haven’t caught it.  However, your chasing days will soon be over.  In Gendermate Magazine you’ll see for yourself what it takes to achieve, enjoy and preserve success in companionship.

In these times all marriages are ending in divorce at 51%, a 21 point climb from 30% in 1992.  Singles enter and exit relationships in countless numbers and are still being praised by many writers for not marrying yet. Humans are in the highest graces of creation but, how well they do in love, companionship and family is measured in failed marriages. 

There is little appreciation nor respect for humanity and Gendermate Magazine is doing something about it. The error of popular approaches is reporting failed trends set within and by the masses.  A recent report announced that “couples separate at older ages.”  That’s why it’s time for Gendermate Magazine.  It features the success source that came with the inception of humanity.  It enables couples to come together as one - on one accord - and live in affection, romance and prosperity until death do they part.​​

It’s Time!

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