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Who Exactly Is The School Board Taking Orders From?

Are Public Schools controlled by Corporations and NOTour Government? Who are we sending our children to? Why is there a Department of Education?

These are just a few questions that came to mind after my experience with my daughters public school after transferring her to online learning once they refused to acknowledge Governor Ron Desantis' orders to immediate suspend all Covid19 restrictions in the State of Florida.

"The Governor don't run the school board, we do what we want here" were the sounds blaring out of the Administration office as my daughter walked out confused of the whole situation. Confused, not because she was leaving school, but confused because she could never understand why she was being forced to wear a mask to begin with and was being PUNISHED for wanting to breath AIR when there was nothing wrong with HER.

The day was May 4th. One day after Governor Ron Desantis signs executive orders to end all restrictions. I remember the temperature that day was so hot it prompted my to call the school to ask if they were making children wear face masks outside (being the CDC just announce there being NO reason for small children to wear face masks outside). "Ms Bonita" politely told me "Oh No, We don't do that" in a lightly jokingly manner. I trusted she was telling me the truth.

Later that afternoon my daughter returned home on her school bus. As we walked home I asked her, did they teacher let you take your mask off on the playground? My daughter said "NO! I asked her if I could breath and she said No, If I want to breath I have to go sit on the bench and I cant play with the other kids". This obviously outraged me and prompted me to pull my daughter OUT of the school the very next day.

There is an obvious WICKED ELEMENT controlling our education system and we MUST get it OUT. As a person who considers myself to be a devoted follower of our Lord and Savior Yahusha Hameshiach (Jesus Christ), I see there are obvious dark forces at play in the very institutions we send our children to daily. As they say "the Rats are nested at the bottom" and THESE rats want to dumb down and murder our future generation with ridiculous liberal mandates and immoral curriculum.

I am here to STOP THAT and STOP THEM! I am begging you to support every Republican you see on the ticket for school board and even country commissioners. The ONLY WAY to save our children is to install people who CARE about our children and place our Children BEFORE their own personal agenda's and ambitions, and I am calling on YOU to help make Florida the first state we RID of liberal influence in our public education system!

Donate today and help SAVE OUR KIDS! DONATE

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